Legislative Update for Condominium Associations and HOAs

This past summer, the Florida Senate implemented several Senate Bills that were signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, which added new requirements for condominium, homeowners, and cooperative associations. While the below article is not comprehensive of all new legislation impacting housing associations, the following discusses Senate Bill 56 (new rules regarding foreclosures, liens, collection of assessments, […]

What Can A Condo Association Do If A Resident Has COVID-19?

It has been nearly a year since the country went into lockdown due to the pandemic, and condominium associations continue to grapple with how to maintain the health and safety of their residents and employees as the threat of COVID-19 continues to affect our daily lives.  Due to the number of residents that may inhabit […]

Conducting Condominium Elections During COVID-19

It’s that time of year again—Election season!  As many condominium associations begin preparing to hold their annual membership meeting, many are wondering how to do so safely given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.     Fortunately, over the past few years we have learned there are several different technologies that will allow association members to participate in […]