Thought Leadership

What You Need to Know if You’re Moving to New York and Buying in Miami

Roughly 1,000 people per day decide to move to Florida. Many older Americans like to retire there because of the…

1 year ago

Five Solutions to Partnership Disputes

Going into business with a partner can be a great way to maximize your efforts and success. Your strengths and…

2 years ago

10 Types of Business Fraud to Lookout For

As a business owner or professional, you need to worry about sales, operations, and management. However, you also need to…

2 years ago

Liability for Construction Site Accidents in Florida

Liability for Construction Site Accidents in Florida Construction site accidents are common and can devastate the injured person with ongoing…

2 years ago

Top Tips for Purchasing Luxury Miami Beach Real Estate

Investing in real estate is generally a good idea. The Miami Beach area is a hot property with values increasing…

2 years ago

What You Need to Know if You’re Renovating a Home in Miami

Renovating your home can be an exciting prospect. However, it can also quickly become stressful and complex. In some cases,…

2 years ago

Importance of Waterproofing as a Requirement in the Developer’s Turnover Inspection Report

After the tragic events surrounding the Surfside collapse in June of 2021, the Condominium Law and Policy on Life Safety…

2 years ago

Appellate Decision Upholds a Developer’s Right to Object to an Amendment to the Declaration

Overview of First Equitable Realty III, Ltd. v. Grandview Palace Condo. Ass'n A recent decision of the Third District Court…

2 years ago

State of Uncertainty: How New Laws and the End of the State of Emergency Have Changed Covid for Community Associations

Omicron and Delta have testified and the verdict is in: Covid is here to stay. Across the nation, while many…

2 years ago


The 2021 year brought several major changes to both the Condominium and HOA Acts (which Haber Law previously summarized here),…

2 years ago